Friends of St Patrick's (FOSPA)

FOSPA is the Parents association for St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School. Every parent automatically becomes a member when their child joins our fantastic school. FOSPA is a very active group and regularly hold social and fundraising events to which everyone is welcome. Each year we hold a Christmas bazaar and a summer event alongside the various raffles that take place during the year. Please take a look at the event calendar below.

All the money raised by FOSPA is put straight back into our school, so every child directly benefits.

FOSPA meet once a month for an hour in the school. It is a nice way to meet and get to know other parents at the school in a relaxed and friendly environment.

Every year we lose valuable members when children leave to go on to secondary school. New parents like you are particularly important in order for FOSPA to keep thriving as a parents association. You will bring new ideas, energy and enthusiasm to our group.

We know being a parent has many demands on us all, but as members of FOSPA, we know that you will want to contribute and enhance the quality of school life for your own children and the whole community of St Patrick’s School.

FOSPA is a very lucky group as it is supported by fantastic staff which we have here at St Patrick’s.

The following people are in office this year. They can be contacted through the school office.


Vallence David
Linda Holmes

May we take this opportunity to wish you and your children a happy and contented time at St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School.

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Our Contact Info
  • 1 Longfield Avenue, London, E17 7DP
  • 0208 509 4321